P Shreeram Vijay of Tamil Nadu won the title in Category-B (Rating 1900 or below) of the 11th KIIT International Chess Festival at KIIT International School here today. He garnered nine points out of a possible 10 to take home the top prize of Rs 60,000. Prashant Katiyar (UP) and Ajay Mushini (AP) pocketed the second and third prize of the Rs 45,000 and Rs 35,000 respectively.
Sanjeeban Nayak was most successful Odisha players, securing seventh position and a cash prize of Rs 8,000. Prizes were given away by, KIIT International School Chairperson, Dr Monalisa Bal in the presence of KIIT University Sports Director Dr Gaganendu Dash, All Odisha Chess Association (AOCA) vice-president Ranjan Mohanty and secretary K K Sarma.
As many as 477 players participated in `B’ category competition, which carried a total prize fund of Rs 5 lakh. The Festival, featuring three categories of competition, is being organised jointly by AOCA and Kalinga Institue of Industrial Technology (KIIT) from May 25. Category A is now underway and Category C will take place from May 29 to June 1.
FINAL RANKINGS (Top 20): 1. P Shreeram Vijay (TN, 9), 2. Prashant Katiyar (UP, 8.5), 3. Ajay Mushini (AP, 8.5), 4. Samar Chatterjee (WB, 8), 5. M Nikhil (AP, 8), 6. Harshit Pawar (DEL, 8), 7. Sanjeeban Nayak (ODI, 8), 8. P Lokesh Hruthik (TEL, 8), 9. Heikrujam Jacky Singh (MAN, 8), 10. PG Ashwin (KER, 7.5), 11. Akash Tiwari (WB, 7.5), 12. Leeladhar Kachroo (HAR, 7.5), 13. Ujjwal Deep (RAJ, 7.5), 14. Soham Dey (WB, 7.5), 15. Sounak Dey (WB, 7.5), 16. Sudhir Kumar Behera (ODI, 7.5), 17. Harisurya Bharadwaj Gundepudi (AP, 7.5), 18. Susarla Rishith (AP, 7.5), 19. B Vignesh (TN, 7.5), 20. B Kalyani (AP, 7.5).
PHOTO: Top three prize winners in Category-B with guest and organizing officials in Bhubaneswar on May 28, 2018.